PortWings is a ERC-2018 Advanced grant awarded to S. Stramigioli in the period Sep. 2018- Mar. 2024. The main goal of the project is to understand the secrets of flapping flight of birds using the port-Hamiltonian framework and validate these understandings experimentally by building an advanced bird-inspired aerial robot.
The project comprises of an interdisciplinary team of six members led by S. Stramigioli tackling different research challenges of the project. For the theoretical challenges, two members of the team work on the system theoretical prob-
lems related to the formulation and control of the port-Hamiltonian models. Another member is responsible for the numerical discretization and simulation of such models. For the realization challenges, one team member works on experimental fluid-dynamics validating the constructed port-Hamiltonian models using wind-tunnel and particle tracking velocimetry facilities. Another member works on the bio-mimetic mechatronic design of the robotic bird, while the last member of the team focuses on the study and fabrication of sensors and actuators needed for the robot.
The main role of my work in this project contributes to
- The theoretical development of the port-Hamiltonian framework by reframing the available methods used in continuum mechanics in the setting of differential geometry and the port-based paradigm.
- The numerical development of structure-preserving discretization schemes based on Finite-Element Exterior Calculus for the simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction.